Hatch is a boutique consultancy that helps entrepreneurs plan, strategize, and up-start their businesses.

Started by entrepreneur and business strategist, Heidi Luerra, Hatch services are designed to assist in the transformation of ideas into thriving, profitable, sustainable, businesses.

About Me

I have 20 years of experience starting, building, and operating creative businesses.

I don’t believe in limitations.

If you want it badly enough you can have it! If you have the passion and drive and are willing to work hard, you can make any dream a reality. The sky is the limit! When the showcase platform I wanted for myself didn’t exist, I created my own. When numerous companies couldn’t make arts and business work together, I did. I’ve overcome some of the toughest odds in all facets of my career (and life) to-date. I won’t call you cuckoo for having wild ideas. I know that exceptional thinking can move mountains. I’m most focused on how to make something happen, rather than finding the reasons why it can’t.

My experience runs the gamut.

I have built and sustained a business from zero dollars and a dream for over a decade. While there are many consultants whose entire business experience is based solely on their consulting business itself, I know what building something multi-faceted takes. I have a wide variety of experience of actually owning and operating real, profitable, rewarding businesses. I have employed over 200 people during my career to-date. I have hired, fired, run payroll, given performance reviews, leased big and small offices, devised pay structures. I’ve developed sales funnels, handbooks, pitch scripts, marketing strategy, and grew a brand nationally and internationally. I understand (most) legal contracts. I have poured over P&Ls, and balance sheets showing the good, bad, and ugly. I have seen almost everything, and I can help you navigate even the most foreign spaces. I’m the canary that’s been through the coal mine!

I’m no-nonsense.

I’m thorough, concise and I get stuff done! I’m just as serious about your business as you are. I won’t feed you sugarcoated malarky. I will give it to you straight, even if it’s hard to swallow. And I won’t ever leave you hangin’. While I can’t save you from the work that must be done, I will ensure you don’t stumble into the common pitfalls that most new (or full-grown) business owners do. I’m not afraid to dig in and get my hands dirty and I expect the same from my clients. We don’t have time to lose (or roost), we have a business to run!

Learn more via www.HeidiLuerra.com

My strategy is custom to your business.

While the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and starting up are generally the same for almost everyone, each company has different needs and a unique set of circumstances.

Hatch Planning & Strategy isn’t an e-learning platform, a convoluted conference, or a social media chat series where you need to extract the action items. Rather than a one-size-fits-all solution, I offer real, one-on-one consulting and guidance for your business. I also deliver tailor-made tools and resources that nest perfectly into your operation. You’ll get real one-on-one planning and strategy with me as well as thoughtful consulting that serves your unique objectives.